Friday 8 January 2010

Starting Up

Well this is my first attempt at posting to a blog.

Because of our deep concerns about global-warming and the effect this is likely to have on our children's future, we (the Clayton family) are trying to be a lot 'greener' I wanted to keep a record of what we achieve, what we'd still like to achieve and factors that affect our attempts. I'd also occasionally like to have a moment of self-congratulation, or perhaps a rant - and this is the place I'm going to do it! My intention at this moment is also to find some useful links (for example to vegetarian recipe sites, or eco-friendly product suppliers) and to add them here, although I admit I have absolutely no idea how to do this.

So, to begin with that moment of self-congratulation. There is a lot I think we've already done and/or are in the process of doing. For example
  • Switched to low-energy light-bulbs (except in the kitchen where we need to make some more major changes to facilitate this);
  • Switched to an environmentally-friendly laundry ball rather than continue using damaging detergents;
  • reduced mileage in the car by walking home from/back to school when the kids aren't in the car;
  • getting shopping delivered;
  • eating a lot less meat (one of my least-favourite changes as I'm otherwise a dedicated carnivore);
  • Switched our hot-water to a once/day program, which has meant making some changes to the schedule of our day;
  • Reduced our heating-hours/day, as well as lowering the temperature in our house. Yes, occasionally the kids get blue lips but hey - they'll get used to it!
  • Started to grow many more of our own vegetables and taken a part-share in an allotment with a friend (another un-favourite, as what I know about vegetable & fruit-growing could be engraved onto a blackcurrant). Luckily Al is a gardening-guru and willing to help out.

Hmm, doesn't look as impressive as it seemed in my mind, but it's a start. Then again, I'm thinking, if everyone made easy, small changes, the big, hard changes might not seem so daunting.

More soon...